_x_ Ronnie Mulqueen (Principal)
_x_ Katie Dahle (chair)
_x_ Natalie Gleave (vice chair)
__ Bekah Craig (PTA)
_x_ Matt Box
_x_ Kelly Frye
_x_ Quinn Nicolich
_x_ Stacey Noble
_x_ Michelle Schmidt
_x_ Laura Warnock
_x_ Kim Weddlick
__ Sarah Wilkins
__ Richard Wilkins
Approve Minutes – approved by Kate and seconded by the group
SCC Business
- STEAM night- postpone? Postponed until March 28th. We will continue to discuss jobs and responsibilities for SCC members; assignments for each station, Digital Citizenship, food, flyer, etc.
Principal Report
- TSSP/Land Trust-review & budgets We reviewed the budgets and how much we have left to spend.
- Discussion and planning for 2022-2023 TSSP/Land Trust goals We made our final approval for the 2022-2023 school plans
- Child Access Routing Plan (SNAP) discussion The SNAP plan was reviewed and approved. We continue with the same routes and concerns for adding sidewalks.
- COVID update Numbers are pretty high this month. This is in alignment with the rest of the district and the county.
PTA Report Nothing to report.
Next Meeting: February 14th 4:15pm
Guest remarks are limited to 3 minutes
TSSA/Landtrust Goals: 1) 80% of students in Kindergarten-3rd grade will make at least typical progress according to Acadience Pathways to Progress. 80% of students in 4th and 5th grade will be at proficient or higher in Reading Inventory (RI) by the end of the year. 2) 84% of students are reaching benchmark according to Acadience math assessment. Our goal is to maintain and/or increase 1-2% proficiency. 3) Students will identify the qualities needed to have positive social interactions with peers and persevere through difficult tasks.