9760 S. 3100 East
Sandy, UT 84092

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge


Today Adella and Harper are talking about Halloween. 

The first thing we did was the parade. The kindergarteners came first then the first graders, then second, third, then fourth grade then lastly fifth grade.

All the parents came and watched all the students walk through in their costumes. There were barbies, Wednesdays, princesses, Taylor Swift, Ninjas, Cheerleaders, Stitch, football players, and so much more. 

Afterwards, we did poems to all different classes and grades. We also went to the office. They were a great audience for the poems. They were all about different categories. Like mummies, zombies, trick or treat, mouse and ghost, and ogre and  giant.  

When we were done with the poems we went to lunch recess then we did our Halloween party. We split into groups then we did the activity. The activities were bean bag toss, donut eating contest, bingo, bracelet making, skeleton making with paper chains for arms and legs, and making  a cookie. All in all, we had the best Halloween ever!

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