9760 S. 3100 E.
Sandy, UT 84092

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Meet the 2023-24 PTA President

Hello Granite Families!

My name is Bridget Smith and I will be the President of the PTA board at Granite Elementary next year (2023-2024). I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and let you know a little more about what the PTA does for your students and how you can help!

Our family has been at Granite for 6 years and we have many more years ahead of us! I currently have two students at the school, a 1st and 3rd grader, our oldest is at Albion MS and our caboose is in preschool.

I am a full-time stay at home mom. In my free time (wait, what’s that??) I enjoy skiing, hiking, baking, sewing and painting. I got a degree in art education a million years ago at BYU and have taught both elementary art as well as private art lessons. I currently teach aerobics and weight lifting classes at the Cottonwood Heights Rec Center.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to be involved in the PTA at Granite. We have such an amazing and supportive community! We have big plans for next year. We want all voices to be heard and represented. We want every student and teacher to feel supported, safe, loved, and encouraged. I believe that this community can do all of this. If we all do a little, we can lift our whole community together!

In the past, the PTA has funded many programs including the ECC, art, science, music as well as provided funds to help the school purchase chairs, desks, risers for performances, a piano and so much more. We fund school wide events like the fun run, field day, teacher appreciation, reading parties, birthday table, the book fair, spirit nights, and others.

If you have ideas for activities you would like to see happening or ideas for how our PTA funds should be used, we want to hear from you, and we need you!

We are currently taking applications to fill our board for next year and are looking for other volunteers to head up committees. We have lots of openings and we really do need you! If you have ever thought about being more involved, this is your year! I look forward to getting to know you all and working with you next year!

Thank you for your support!

For more information about how you can help out or be a part of the PTA next year, please email or text me or our current president, Christie Taylor:

801.750.3645—text Bridget
