9760 S. 3100 East
Sandy, UT 84092

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

Principal’s News: April 2022

Amazing Granite community, many of you may have already heard, this will be my last year at Granite Elementary.  Next year, I will be moving to Draper Elementary.  I have spent 12.5 years serving alongside amazing teachers, staff and parents. I appreciate the love and spirit of this community.  Granite is an exceptional school and will always hold a special place in my heart.  Thank you for trusting me to lead and serve the Granite community.  Elcena Saline, current principal of Edgemont Elementary, will be your new principal.  She is very excited to get to know you and work with you.      

Due to a drop in enrollment, Granite Elementary will reduce our teaching staff to 12 teachers.  There will be one AM session and one PM session for Kindergarten, one 1st grade, a 1st/2nd multi grade, two 2nd grades, three 3rd grades, two 4th grades, and two 5th grades.  There will no longer be a 4th /5th multi grade.  We worked together to decide the best solution for our students. If you have a learning environment request for next year, please email Mrs. Mulqueen by April 15th. We cannot guarantee all requests will be granted.

We are experiencing a growing concern with Apple watch usage at school.  This device is considered an electronic device when operated as a cell phone.  According to our Cell Phone/Electronic Device Code of Conduct: “Cell phones may not be used during classroom time, instructional activities or field trips.  Phones must remain off during school hours and in back packs.”  If your student uses his/her watch for anything other than a watch we will follow the process outlined in our Code of Conduct. You can find our Code of Conduct here: https://granite.canyonsdistrict.org/code-of-conduct/.

Kindergarten Orientation, for the 2022-2023 school year, will be held April 29th from 2:30pm – 3:30pm.  Please call the school if you have an incoming Kindergartener.

Unless you have a handicap placard displayed in your window you are not allowed to park in the handicap stall. Please be considerate of those families that need to use this stall and respect the rules of the parking lot.

If you are interested in entering the annual Granite Art Contest, the deadline to turn in your art is April 13th.  You can draw, water color, paint, take a picture, sketch, etc. Three projects are chosen to be displayed in the hallway. 

Plant now, plant now, plant now!

Get your kids involved in planting a garden NOW…veggies, flowers, do it all!

Cool season crops can go in now…it’s fun, it’s rewarding and…


We balance the food we eat to stay healthy. We also need to balance our media use. Media includes the shows and videos we watch, the video games and apps we play, and the music we listen to. Try completing a media balance checkup with your family to determine together if the way your family uses media feels balanced and healthy. For this Common-Sense activity, visit cnyns.org/3iXRoJH.

Calendar items:

April 4-8           Spring Break
April 11            4:15pm SCC meeting in the library
April 13             Art Contest entries are due
                           PTA meeting
April 18-22        White Ribbon Week
April 22            Virtual Learning Day
April 29            2:30 Kindergarten Orientation

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org