9760 S. 3100 East
Sandy, UT 84092

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

Principal’s News: August & September 2020

Today is the start of a new adventure, new challenges to face, new memories to make, and new obstacles to overcome. – Nishan Panwar

We are heading into a new adventure this school year.  Your understanding, support, and positive attitude are crucial in making this a great year.

On Thursday, August 19, 2020, you received a Skylert from Canyons School District.  Included in this email is the Covid19 Parent and Guardian Information manual.  Please take a few minutes to read through the information.  On the last page, you will find a sign and return form.  Please email the form to ronnie.mulqueen@canyonsdistrict.org, bring it to the main office, or send it with your student.  We will need a signed copy from every family.  Please return this form by September 4th.

The Covid 19 manual outlines the expectation for face coverings.  Students are expected to wear a face-covering except recess, eating lunch, and Playworks.  Students may wear a face shield and a mask. However, a face shield alone will not meet the outlined guidelines.  We recommend that you send an extra mask with your student.  Please send clean masks each day. For more information regarding face coverings please refer to the Covid 19 manual.

Please complete the Covid 19 health check recommendation every morning before sending your student to school.  Your student’s temperature must be below 100.4. Please assess their cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, and muscle aches and pains.  Please do not send your student to school if they feel sick or are experiencing any of the Covid19 symptoms.  If your student experiences any of the symptoms while at school they will be sent to the sick room until a parent/guardian comes to pick them up.  We ask that you immediately arrange to pick up your student.

Granite Elementary will hold a virtual Back to School Night on Tuesday, September 8th.  There will be two virtual sessions for each teacher. A question and answer time will be embedded into the virtual meeting.  Specific information for scheduled time and links will be sent home.

There are a few changes this year for our volunteers and having additional adults in the building.  Teachers will schedule any volunteer opportunities.  Volunteers will not be able to work directly with students.  All volunteers will need to complete a simple health check upon arrival. 

Adults will not be allowed in the school past the front office.  If you need to drop off an item or pick up your student you will be asked to go to the front office and wait there.

Please remember that any outside food to share with the class must be individually wrapped.  Donuts, cupcakes, cookies packaged together will not be allowed. 

If you have not reviewed our mitigation plan, please go to our website granite.canyonsdistrict.org to view the entire plan.

Calendar items:

August 24                 First Day of School 1-5 grade

August 27                 First Day of Kindergarten

September 7            No School – Labor Day

September 8            Virtual Back to School Night

September 9            Picture Day

September 23-24   Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences

September 25         No School

September 2020

Our first week back in school was successful.  Students and staff are adjusting to face coverings, extra hand washing, and physical distancing.  Thank you for your encouragement and support. Please remember, any time you are on school grounds you must have a face covering. 

Answers to many of your questions regarding Covid 19 will be covered in the Parent Guardian manual.  This manual is based on current state guidelines.  After reviewing the manual, parents and guardians are asked to sign a form acknowledging their receipt of the information and confirming that they have reviewed relevant sections with their children. Please return this form to the main office.

If your child is sent home with any of the outlined Covid 19 symptoms they will need to be symptom-free for 24 hours to return to school.  This means: no fever over 100.3 without fever-reducing medication, no coughing or sore throat, no shortness of breath, no diarrhea, no stomach ache, nausea or vomiting. 

September Calendar Items:
September 7:            No School – Labor Day
September 8:            Virtual Back to School Night
September 9:            Picture Day
September 23-24:    Virtual Parent–Teacher Conferences
September 25:          No School

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org