9760 S. 3100 East
Sandy, UT 84092

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Principal’s News: January 2022

Granite Groove

December came fast and most of us are running like crazy (but not literally).  Many of us go from sitting all day, to getting in a 30-minute workout (if we’re lucky) and then sitting some more, whether that be in a car running errands, or at home watching a good Christmas movie.  A new school of thought is to break up our exercise routine throughout the day.  Try getting up every hour for a 3-minute moderate to vigorous exercise session or 14 minutes of light exercise.  It’s often good to try something new, what better time than as a new year is approaching!

Happy Holidays!

Monthly Character-Building focus

In January, we will be talking about the importance of making good choices.  All kids have to make decisions, and as they get older decisions can get more difficult.  It is important to teach children good decision-making skills at an early age. Author Gia Miller gives the following suggestions: -You can model decision-making by thinking out loud when you’re weighing options. -Questions children can ask themselves include: What are all the options? What are the pros and cons of each? How will the decision impact others? -Once you trust your child with a decision, let them do it themselves.  It will help them build skills and self-confidence. -When they do make mistakes, help them learn by staying calm and not placing blame. If they regret their choices, support them while they feel the difficult emotions and think about what they would do differently next time. This month, Mrs. Ross will be reading “What Should Danny Do – School Day?” by Ganit and Adir Levy to grades K-2, and “What Do You Do With a Chance?” by Kobi Yamada.

Internet/Digital Citizenship Safety

Are today’s kids addicted to technology? Are we? From smart phones to social media to video-games, media and tech have become a huge part of our families’ lives. The ability to be constantly connected can affect schoolwork, relationships, and concentration. The challenge is figuring out how to get the most from technology without letting it get out of control. Learn more about how to identify problematic media use, the downfalls of multitasking, finding balance, and what to do if you have serious concerns. Visit commonsensemedia.org/technology-addiction.

5 Ways to Find Balance

  1. Integrate all aspects of your life: Allow all aspects of your life; work, personal time, and social time, to collaborate together, not apart.
  2. Lose balance to find balance: Be open to taking risks, try something different, and let go of control.
  3. Prioritize your activities: Know what matters. Let go of unnecessary tasks, ask for help, be open to adjusting your goals and priorities.
  4. Develop a balanced mindset: Balance is not external. Balance is a state of mind.
  5. Practice journaling: Set some time to reflect. Track how you spend your time. Capture the good that is happening in life and acknowledge the positive things around you.


Please do NOT motion your children to cross the parking lot.  You must use the cross walk and escort them across.

Students will have outside recess when the real feel is 22 degrees and above. Help your student dress appropriately.

It is our school rule that snow stays on the ground. Snowballs fights are not allowed during school.

Calendar Items

January 3         Return from Winter Break

January 3         Grade Level Monthly Character-Building focus

January 4         10am PTA meeting, in the faculty room

January 7         Virtual Friday

January 10       4:15pm SCC meeting, in the library

January 14       No School for students; teacher work day

January 17       No School, Martin Luther King Day