This is the last Principal’s News of the year. The past few months have been difficult for all of us. Our Granite Community has once again demonstrated unity and perseverance. Thank you for your support and understanding.
It’s how we embrace the uncertainty in our lives that leads to great transformations!
Your student will be assigned a specific date and time to pick up his/her personal belongings and return any equipment you have checked out. There will be tables in front of the school. Find the table assigned to your teacher and look for the bag with your student’s name. Anything that was left in the student’s desk along with some year-end materials will be in the bag. If you checked out a Chromebook there will be a tote bin just inside the front doors. Please place your technology bag in one of the bins and check off that you returned the technology equipment.
Cyberbullying Prevention – 5 Things Parents Can Do
- Teach your child empathy.Nothing drives home a point faster than walking a mile in someone else’s shoes. If children truly understand what someone else is going through, they’re less likely to bully someone — or passively witness others being bullied.
- Help children understand the line between funny and cruel.Children’s online communication is often purposely ambiguous or accidentally cruel — both of which can lead to misunderstandings. If drama starts brewing, ask your child to call or speak face to face with his/her friend to clear it up.
- Make sure they talk to someone (even if it’s not you).As children enter the middle school years, their circle of friends and trusted adults widens. Children need a responsible adult to confide in — their school counselor, their music teacher, even the parent of a friend. Talk to your children about who they can go to if trouble is brewing.
- Help your child be an upstander — not a bystander. Children are hesitant to get involved, in case the bully turns their sights on them. But there are ways to allow your child to work behind the scenes to reach out to the victim, get an adult involved, and prevent more cruel behavior.
- Show your child how to stop cyberbullying.Tell children not to respond or retaliate. Not feeding the bully can stop the cycle. And — if anything does happen — save the evidence.
Whenever a situation confronts you, whether good or bad, try to learn something from the experience. There must be something to learn from all this. Here is a list of things that can, and hopefully, will lead to a healthier existence for all of us.
- Stay home when you are sick (pretty simple).
- Clean and disinfect objects you touch on a regular basis.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Wash with soap and water OFTEN.
- Eat for health and strength.
- Exercise for mental and physical strength.
- Avoid close contact with people (especially if they have any “symptoms”).
- Be compassionate.
- Be constructive.
- Be responsible and take responsibility where we can.
Important dates:
May 11 – 4:15pm SCC meeting
May 15 – Last day of new content in Canvas
May 18 – 22 Review & application. Students will still be engaged in applying their knowledge.
May 21 – 10am 5th grade parade – directions were sent to all 5th grade families
May 25 – Memorial Day
May 26 – 10am – 1pm Pickup and drop off for K, 1st, and ECC
May 27 – 10am – 1pm Pickup and drop off for 2nd and 3rd
May 28 – 10am – 1pm Pickup and drop off for 4th and 5th
May 29 – 10am – 11:30am Ice-cream Drive Thru, sponsored by our PTA.