9760 S. 3100 East
Sandy, UT 84092

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

Code of Conduct

Granite Student Conduct Expectations & Policies

Granite Grizzlies are expected to be Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn (GRRR) throughout the school day. These rules apply to every area of our school including the bus and playground.

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an approach to teaching and supporting positive behaviors. PBIS helps us to establish a school climate in which positive behavior is the norm.  This school-wide approach focuses on building strong relationships with students, developing routines, and organizing environments that promote student success. School-wide, we explicitly define, teach, and reinforce desired behaviors, and systematically correct behavioral errors.

Minor and Major Behaviors

Students receive appropriate and timely consequences for inappropriate behavior. Inappropriate behaviors are categorized as Minor or Major. Minor infractions of school/classroom rules may be resolved with a conference between the student and their teacher.

Students are sent to the office for Repeated Minor or Major offenses. A Repeated Minor is when a student commits a minor behavior infraction, but does so repeatedly (3-4 times) as the teacher repeatedly attempts to help the student change the behavior. Based on the teacher’s judgment, this may be during the course of a single lesson, day, or week. If the teacher’s efforts are not successful, the student may be sent to the office for an Office Discipline Referral (ODR) CSD Levels of Behavior Policy 500.02 Exhibit 1

Consequences for Misbehavior

Often in the past, school behavioral correction and school discipline has focused on reacting to specific student misbehavior by using punishment based strategies (i.e. withholding recess or activities). Punishment based strategies fail to teach and reinforce desired behavior and can often erode adult relationships with students who need the most connection. Introducing, modeling, and reinforcing positive social behavior have been found to be more effective than punishment based discipline plans.

At Granite Elementary, we use a variety of consequences to address misbehavior. Consequences are determined by first gathering as much information about the student and the behavior incident. To select the appropriate consequence, the goal is to provide a fair structure specific to the student with the greatest likelihood for preventing future occurrences. Student consequences are not a punitive act or retribution. CSD Levels of Behavior Policy 500.02 Exhibit 1

When gathering information, we often seek input from the parents and hope to work in partnership to support all students involved. A difficult yet important challenge in this process is maintaining student privacy. School faculty and staff will only discuss matters of the incident specific to your child.

Three considerations taken into account when determining if suspension is appropriate:

  • What response is most likely to change the student’s behavior?
  • What response will best communicate to the student and family the seriousness of the behavior?
  • What response will help other students at school feel safe?

Substantial disruption and Dangerous Conduct Substantial Disruption and Dangerous Conduct is conduct for which suspension shall or may be imposed, and is prohibited on school property, at school-sponsored activities, or while traveling in school-funded or school-dispatched vehicles (e.g., buses). CSD Board Policy 500.02

Bullying & Hazing

Granite Elementary does not allow bullying or hazing. We align our school policy to the policy expectations outlined in CSD Board Policy 500.02

Prohibited Substances

The following substances are prohibited at school:

  • Illegal drugs
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Illegal psycho toxic chemicals (inhalants)
  • Prescription medications
  • Over-the-counter medication

The possession, use, or distribution by students of any substance listed above is prohibited on school property, or at any other extracurricular, school sponsored activity that is held off school property. Violations will result in the application of Canyons District’s Drug and Alcohol Policy CSD Board Policy 500.02.

School Policies

Bikes & Scooters

Students must walk their bikes and scooters when on school property. Students are responsible for securing their ride in the bike rack. Students should wear protective helmets when riding bikes or scooters. We would prefer to keep all scooters out of the building; in rare circumstances they may be carried inside. Lost or stolen bicycles and scooters are not the responsibility of school personnel. Students who do not follow these rules may have their bicycle or scooter taken away and may lose the privilege of bringing them to school. If a bicycle or scooter is taken from a student, a parent will need to retrieve the item from the school. Skateboards, rollerblades, rollerskates and heelies are not allowed at school.


Gum is not allowed on school grounds or in the school building at any time. We take pride in our building and expect the same of our students and visitors.

Personal Items at School

Granite Elementary is not responsible for any personal property that is lost, stolen, or vandalized. Though recess equipment is available at school, some may choose to bring a ball from home. Please understand that the ball may be shared with peers. Equipment that poses safety risks should be left at home (i.e. baseballs, lacrosse equipment, bats, etc.).

Toys or distracting items should not be brought to school. Please identify your child’s items so that we can return lost items directly to the students rather than simply adding them to the lost and found. Know that a couple times a year (after parent teacher conferences), unclaimed items from the lost and found are donated to local charities.

Cell Phones & Smart Watches

In an effort to maintain the privacy of students and a productive learning environment, cell phone use and calling or texting via watches during school hours is prohibited. Students may use their phones before or after school. Students with cell phones must have them silenced or turned off and kept in their backpack during school hours. Smart watches need to be kept on silent at all times during the school day. Texting or calling on a cell phone or smart watch during school hours will be considered a distraction to the learning environment and may result in the teacher holding the device for the student until the end of the day, or until a parent picks it up from the office. CSD Electronics Policy 500.06 Exhibit 1

If you need to communicate with your child, call the school office. This is so we can ensure that students are accounted for and find the correct transportation after school. The vast majority of after school arrangements should be made by families prior to the school day beginning to alleviate an inordinate amount of calls being answered and made by students at the end of the school day.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org