9760 S. 3100 East
Sandy, UT 84092

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

April 19, 2021 – Minutes

SCC Members attending:

Kati D
Ronnie M
Kevin T
Terri P
Kim W
Michelle S
Kelly F
Tiffany S

SCC Members absent:  

Laura W

1.    Approve Minutes:

Kelly moves to approve minutes. Kim seconded motion.

2.    Chair Report:

No items from Chair

3.    Reports from subcommittee:

          1)    Principal:

 i.     Mask Mandate

Still in effect in all public schools and all events through June 15, 2021. Assumption that it will be extended through summer school. No conflict from parents at Granite.

ii.     Volunteer requirements

Handful of concerned parents about HIPPA and ethics of what’s being asked of volunteers. Wanted to open for volunteers to come back to school. Must show secretaries either proof of full vaccination (two weeks after the second shot) or a rapid test within 14 days. Rapid tests free at District offices. Concern about religious objection to vaccination would be worked out with District if needed. Have needed to send some volunteers back to get documentation.

Still need to complete the volunteer background check.

All this information is only available to office staff checking compliance.

iii.     LandTrust/TSSP final reports

See attached document for 2019 / 2020 results.

Saw biggest dip in reading during the pandemic. Responding by focusing on reading logs and giving more time to read in class. Current results based on the winter benchmark. 83% reaching benchmark in math. Will go into more detail on the scores next school year.

Results for this year don’t look too bad based on current world events, kids on quarantine, and 22 students still not attending school in person at Granite.

iv.     LandTrust/TSSP 2021-2022 plans      

See attached plan proposal for 2020 / 2021 school year.

Looking to maintain 83% in Acadience for coming year.

Social Emotional Learning is added onto TSSP. Reading and math performance applies to both.

More detail on the goals in the attached document.

Adding a new counsellor in addition to the school psychiatrist. There’s also Ms. Stolfa, the behavior specialist. Present a theme that is supported by the teachers throughout a week to help students with SEL. New counsellor wants to provide a follow-up lesson in each class during the month to get to know students better to be able to support them as needed. SEL group will provide information for the monthly newsletter next year. They will assist with the family nights next year. Planning to hold both unless told otherwise. Goal is that students will be able to respond to questions about the SEL techniques they’re taught. Teachers will provide an intentional time slot during the week to support the SEL.

Catie asked that parents receive supportive materials for the SEL being taught.

Katie, Michelle, Kim, Laura still need to provide signatures for the 2021 / 2022 plan.

The submission platform was changed and has several bugs.

Question about District distribution of COVID (CARES Act) funds. A lot of the funds will be put toward health care and PPE (masks). A lot has been spent on additional cleaning supplies and materials to help maintain physical distancing. Ronnie can provide more detail on how it was spent if desired.

Summer school will be by invitation only this year serving schools across the district. That will be funded by CARES as well.

SCC may be involved in trouble shooting the open for next year depending on what happens across the state in regards to the pandemic.

 v.     End of Year activities

Teachers working through events they can do in classes. Dance festival will not happen this year. Future will depend on the PTA. We can’t have parents at the school even for a last-day event without following the volunteer requirements.

Most likely not a 5th grade tap out again this year, similar to 2020.

3rd grade will video record School House Rocks to replace the live performance.

vi.     Teacher Appreciation

First week of May. PTA has events planned for this year.

vii.     RISE testing

Will begin next week and run into May. Information for 4th and 5th grade students will be sent out by teachers soon. There will be two grades taking these tests for the first time this year: 3rd and 4th. Anticipate a dip in scores based on COVID responses. Will address results in the fall for next year. There will not be state grading this year based on RISE for the 3-12 level. Granite will still use the data to determine how to support students in the future.

viii.     2021-2022 FTE – Kindergarten enrollment

Extremely low enrollment for next year. Only 28 students enrolled so far. Won’t be able to set a boundary until just before school starts. Hoping for at least another 15 – 20 students, which will continue to move the boundary based on where those students come from. Better to not announce an incorrect boundary, so holding off on announcement. Would like to get a count even if parents are holding off on enrollment. Typically enrollment is closer to 38 at this point in the year. This low enrollment affects all FTE through the school, not just the kindergarten.

Won’t have a single session because the bussing would take up to 90 minutes based on the geographic reach of Granite.

ix.     Canvas Use

Canvas will continue. There is a great deal of variation in how Canvas is applied across the grade levels. Even returning to a 5-day live week, there is a good chance to continue to use Canvas as support to live instruction.

Michelle asked if Chromebooks would remain the main form of submission in older grade. More than likely that will continue to be the standard. That helps to prepare students for middle- and high-school. Ronnie committed to finding the right balance of blended learning to control time on technology and still giving hand-on experience and supporting social interaction.


Earthquake drill went well in Ronnie’s absence.

Did some lock-down and shelter in place drills.

 Have done other drills that did not involve the students.

May have a full evacuation in May.

2)    Staffing:

Next year there are 14.5 FTE, up from the regular 14 FTE allowed. The smaller kindergarten may impact that. Ronnie working with District to ensure it is not taken away. Adding a .5 FTE in 3rd grade to cover the morning with that grade level.

Kindergarten 1 teacher covering AM and PM session Ms. Genesi’s last year

1st grade will have 3 FTE

2nd has 3

3rd will be 2.5. This is a good group to have this happen with.

4th will have 2

5th grade will be at 2

4/5 split 1 FTE

Will have one job share position.

ECC new person is John Figurestaff (sp?)

     3)    PTA:

i.     FUN RUN

Any support even in the back area will require completing the same process as volunteers.

Field Day will be the same requirement.

ii.     Safety:

    4.    Landtrust budget and goals update:

  • 80% of students in Kindergarten-3rd grade will make at least typical progress according to Acadience Pathways to Progress. 80% of students in 4th and 5th grade will be at proficient or higher in Reading Inventory (RI) by the end of the year. 84% of students are reaching benchmark according to Acadience math assessment. Our goal is to maintain and/or increase 1-2% proficiency.

    5.    TSSA:

  • 80% of students in Kindergarten-3rd grade will make at least typical progress according to Acadience Pathways to Progress. 80% of students in 4th and 5th grade will be at proficient or higher in Reading Inventory (RI) by the end of the year.
  • 84% of students are reaching benchmark according to Acadience math assessment. Our goal is to maintain and/or increase 1-2% proficiency.
  • Students will identify the qualitied needed to have positive social interactions with peers and persevere through difficult tasks.

6.    Celebrations:

7.    Next Meeting:  May 10, 2021


Granite Elementary End of Year LandTrust Summary Report 2019-2020

LandTrust Summary for 2019-2020

Granite Elementary was fortunate to received $45,003 for LandTrust fund in 2019-2020.  It was determined that these funds would be spent on reading, math, and technology.  The focus was to increase reading and math achievement for those students identified as performing below benchmark on Acadience testing.  Students identified received daily intervention support from instructional assistants under the direction of the achievement coach.  Most of the allocated School LandTrust funding, $30,500, was used to hire two instructional assistants to provide reading interventions in small group instruction.  A total of $2000 was spent for hourly tutoring from certified teachers for Tier II math instruction.  We spent approximately $3500 on literacy and math support materials.  Granite is working toward 1:1 technology with iPads or Chrome books. We spent $9000 on technology and software. The Granite SCC sees our LandTrust Plan resources as a crucial component of our student achievement. 






Instructional Assistants





Licensed teachers



Supplies/support materials

Supplies/support materials

Supplies/support materials


iPads, Chrome books, software

iPads, Chrome books, software

iPads, Chrome books, software








Granite Elementary End of Year TSSP Summary Report 2019-2020

TSSP Summary for 2019-2020

Granite Elementary was fortunate to received $40,155 for TSSP fund in 2019-2020.  It was determined that these funds would be spent on reading, math, and technology.  The focus was to increase reading and math achievement for those students identified as performing below benchmark on Acadience testing.  Students identified received daily intervention support from instructional assistants under the direction of the achievement coach.  Part of the allocated School LandTrust funding, $16,440 was used to hire two instructional assistants to provide reading interventions in small group instruction.  We spent approximately $4100 on literacy and math support materials.  Granite is working toward 1:1 technology with iPads or Chrome books. We spent $17,946 on technology and software. The Granite SCC sees our TSSP resources as a crucial component of our student achievement. 






Instructional Assistants



$16, 440

Supplies/support materials

Supplies/support materials

Supplies/support materials


iPads, Chrome books, software

iPads, Chrome books, software

iPads, Chrome books, software







Land Trust & TSSP 2021-2022

Overarching Goal: 2021-22

According to Acadience assessments for K-3, 81% of students are reaching benchmark in reading (literacy). According to Reading Inventory (RI) assessment for 4th and 5th grade, 68% of students are reaching benchmark. We believe this success is a result of robust core instruction, explicit instruction, small group instruction, supplemental/Tier II instruction and resources. We will continue implementing best practices, such as Structured Classroom Discussion and close reading, and provide professional development to maintain success and build teacher capacity.

According to Acadience assessments, 83% of students are reaching benchmark in math. We believe this success is a result of robust core instruction, explicit instruction, small group instruction, supplemental/Tier II instruction and resources. We will continue implementing best practices and provide professional development to maintain success and build teacher capacity. We will include structured classroom discussion in math lessons and continue to look at vertical alignment among grade levels.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Goal: In order to increase preventative measures, teachers will implement circles and/or morning meetings supporting the theme presented at SEL monthly grade level meetings. Streamline the PBIS measures with the SEL supports. Restorative practices are schoolwide; recess, BB and lunch room. Community outreach with SEL information.

Specific academic goals: 2021-2022

80% of students in Kindergarten-3rd grade will make at least typical progress according to Acadience Pathways to Progress. 80% of students in 4th and 5th grade will be at proficient or higher in Reading Inventory (RI) by the end of year.

83% of students are reaching benchmark according to Acadience math assessment. Our goal is to maintain and/or increase the 83% proficiency.

Students will identify the qualities needed to have positive social interactions with peers and persevere through difficult tasks. Teachers will report the number of circles and/or morning meetings per month.

SCC: Granite’s SCC meets monthly to review pertinent data, discuss the family night activities, review TSSP and Landtrust goals, and any concerns that are being talked about in the community. With the voice and support of the SCC, we have been able to focus on resilience and GRIT for our students. We will include discussion about boundaries, restorative justice, and appropriate use of technology. Our goal is to make sure to support our students not reaching benchmark and provide enrichment opportunities for those students exceeding benchmark standards. We keep monthly minutes and often assign action steps for the upcoming month.

TSSP Budget 2021-22




General Supplies


#1 Reading goal





#2 Math goal




#3 SEL goal





Total = $48,000


LandTrust Plan 2021-2022

Academic Area:

Language Arts/Reading


80% of students in Kindergarten-3rd grade will make at least typical progress according to Acadience Pathways to Progress. 80% of students in 4th and 5th grade will be proficient or higher in Reading Inventory (RI) by the end of the year.


Acadience Pathway to Progress

Acadience Progress Monitoring


Action Plan:

  1. Continue to build foundational skills in DOK, vocabulary, phonemic awareness, phonics, writing, and comprehension strategies through the use of technology. Ipads, Chrome books, projectors, etc. ($4000)
  2. Consistent skills-based instruction that will have an impact to maintain high level of results. This includes scaffolding and differentiating instruction and the implementation of blended learning. General supplies. ($2000)
  3. Understanding of Core Standards, the functions of a blended learning classroom, digital citizenship, and cross curricular activities. This will be accomplished with IPLSs, PD, and shared activities through community outreach Family Nights. General supplies. ($1000)
  4. Create meaningful opportunities to engage in independent reading.
  5. Continued implementation of structured classroom discussion, blended classroom, and cross curricular activities. General supplies. ($1250)
  6. Two Instructional Assistants for Tier II instruction ($37,000) General supplies. ($500)
  7. Create and build foundational skills through the use of technology and academic software. ($2000)

Academic Area:



83% of students are reaching benchmark according to Acadience math assessment. Our goal is to maintain and/or increase the 83% proficiency.


Acadience beginning, middle, and end of year benchmark

Timed math tests

Action Plan:

  1. Continue to build foundational skills in computation through the use of technology ($1000)
  2. Consistent skills-based instruction that will have an impact to maintain high levels of results. This includes scaffolding and differentiated instruction.
  3. Family STEAM nigh activities. General supplies ($1000)
  4. Create more opportunities for building number sense through ongoing PD with structured classroom discussion and Math Talks.
  5. Teachers tutoring students. ($1850)


LandTrust Budget



Salaries and Benefits









General Supplies




Total = $51,600

There are times when the planned expenditures in the goals of a plan are provided by the district, a grant, or another unanticipated funding source leaving additional funds to implement the goals. If additional funds are available, how will the council spend the funds to implement the goals in this plan?

We will increase the technology support and offer additional tutoring opportunities and /or expand additional supplies and professional development textbooks.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org