9760 S. 3100 East
Sandy, UT 84092

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

February 12, 2024 – Minutes



_x_ Elcena Saline (Principal)

_x_ Katie Dahle (Chair)

_x_ Matt Box (Vice Chair)

__ Stacey Noble-Google Meet

_x_ Michelle Schmidt

_x_ Kim Wedlick (PTA)

_x_ Stacie Zisakis

_x_ Vince Craig

_x_ Julia Sorenson

_x_ Nicole Curtis-Google Meet

_x_ Christie Madsen-Google Meet

_x_ Christie Taylor-Google Meet

__ Chris Collier




Approve Minutes-Julia Sorenson motioned to approve minutes and Matt Box seconded the motion.


SCC Business

  • STEAM night feedback

Good attendance. Families rotated through the activities. Stamp card was a great success. Option of activities for younger students. VR sets were finicky. Create a reusable set of STEAM night posters. Variety of activities from year to year. District has STEAM kits (12 stations) now available to check out. Kits were already reserved the night we needed. Cena will investigate different STEAM kits and items available including Lego Robotics. Have a teacher and a parent at each station.

STEAM Night 2025: Monday, January 27th

  • Principal Report
    • Inclusion Week- State sponsored week

Monday- Pep Rally with Miss Juliette. Wristbands handed out to each student. Granite cheer learned.

Tuesday- Sign a pledge poster at lunch.

Wednesday- Tiles in Valentine’s parties to create a school mural.

Thursday- Nicole Schmidt will go out at recess and play the Playworks Inclusion game.

Friday- EEC Sports Day–Inclusive/All Abilities

Morning Meeting messages all week about Inclusion.

Buddy book- All students will create a page for the book that includes sentence frames.

  • Elementary Planning Presentation and Feedback Requested

This proposal is going before the CSD Board on Tuesday, 2/20.

Daily Planning time- Supportive of 60 minutes of planning time M-TH

Increase school time by 10 minutes. M-Th 45 minutes of Brain Booster classes plus 15 minutes attached to the Booster block. No recess duty for teachers. Protected planning time 3 days a week and on Friday afternoons for teachers.

Extended Planning Block- Board concerned about shortened days on Fridays and additional Virtual Fridays. 

Assistant Principals/Admin Intern- Supportive but concerned about the cost.

IEP Block Scheduling- Supportive at school’s discretion.

What do you like-positive feedback?

Fourth booster available for students.

Much needed time for Elementary teachers.

Love to see a music booster.

LIke the idea of a 3.5 hour day on Fridays.

What are your concerns?

Planning time for EEC/resource teams

Booster teacher contract time. Will we lose BB teachers due to the 4 day schedule vs. 3 day schedule? Quality pay?

Give Elementary only PD days to allow for more planning time. Secondary already has more planning time.

Can teachers give students an additional 10 minutes of recess as a break when needed?

Add 10 minutes to the beginning of the day instead of the end.

Would you prefer to see money go to high quality booster teachers and classrooms v administrative assistants.

SCC is mixed on Virtual Fridays.

  • Review current year’s LAND Trust/TSSP

Middle of year data:


97% of kindergarten students will meet or exceed benchmark.

65% of first grade will make typical or greater growth

77% of second grade will make typical or greater growth as measured by Pathways to Progress

55% of third grade will make typical or greater growth as measured by Pathways to Progress

75% of 4th graders will score proficient or advanced on RI. +14% increase of scoring advanced

80% of 5th graders will score proficient or advanced on RI. +28% increase of scoring advanced


K- 93% will score proficient or advanced on Acadience Math Composite benchmark assessment

1- 81% will score proficient or advanced on Acadience Math Composite benchmark assessment

2- 78% will score proficient or advanced on Acadience Math Composite benchmark assessment

3- 82% will score proficient or advanced on Acadience Math Composite benchmark assessment

4- 83% will score proficient or advanced on Acadience Math Composite benchmark assessment

5- 89% will score proficient or advanced on Acadience Math Composite benchmark assessment


+1% internalizing

+1% externalizing



  • Discussion of next year’s LAND Trust/TSSP plans

Draft Goals of Reading 2024-2025:

82% of Granite students, by May 2025, will achieve typical or above growth in Acadience in Pathways of Progress

85% of kindergarten students will achieve benchmark on NWF-CLS

85% of 1st grade students will achieve benchmark on NWF-WWR

80% of students in grades of 2-5 will achieve typical or greater growth on Acadince Pathways of Progress

80% of students receiving Tier II reading support will increase their proficiency levels.

Draft Goals of Math 2024-2025

82% of Granite students, by May 2025, will achieve typical or above typical growth in Acadience Pathways of Progress and/or proficiency.

Celebrate high proficiency. Dual goals of proficiency and growth.

PTA Report- School read-a-thon in March.

Katie Dahle motioned to adjourn and Michelle Schmidt seconded the motion.


Next Meeting: March 11th 4:15pm

Guest remarks are limited to 3 minutes

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org