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Sandy, UT 84092

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February 8, 2021 – Minutes

SCC Members:

_x_Katie D (chair)
_x_Kelly F
_x_Laura W
_x_ Kevin T
_x_ Jenny (PTA)

_x_Michelle S
__Kim W
__Terri P
_x_Tiffany S (co-chair)
_x_Ronnie M (admin)             

Approve Minutes: minutes from the last meeting will be sent out within the next week from this meeting. Please respond to the email with your approval or comments

Chair Report: Katie running late

Reports from subcommittee:


Final report for TSSP/Landtrust – 2019 / 2020 is due March 5th. Data for the year ended last winter. Reporting on 2 of 3 testing times. Final report will be sent to the SCC for comment. New plan will be due April 8th. Updated 2020 / 2021 goals listed at the end of this document. Goals shared between two goals sets, but TSSP adds social / emotional goal.

2019 performance in winter 73% Accadience on track; expect spring would have been on track if tested. Good growth on various metrics, but final results not what expected without the third testing period.

Continued conversation for next year TSSP/Landtrust/CSIP report

Providing students with a simple check-in on SEL components to see how Tier 1 Second Steps intervention is working.

For the coming year: do we want to adjust the goals or continue with the same goals? Goals listed below. Kelly asked if Accadience was the best way to measure this data. It is a good way to measure growth, there are standardized benchmarks through the year. The metric is not perfect but does give a good way to compare across years. Fluency and accuracy are really good measures provided. Tiffany reports that teachers dig into the data to find specific areas to build on.

Initial discussion is to keep the same goals as last year with a more normal school year.

Tiffany added that the testing baselines provide the guidance for students being referred to Tier 2 intervention. The teachers also focus on keeping each student making a year of progress each year, even if they start at a high level.

This was the official discussion 1 of the plans

Digital Citizenship week – February 16th, 17th & 18th

Information will come from school and teachers regarding this. Teachers will share brief lessons on digital citizenship. A link will be sent to families with additional resources to cover with students. Age-appropriate information will be provided.

Next grading period and learning options – Begins March 8th

Window is open now to change the learning option. ONLY need to respond if a change is desired. Window will close on Sunday 14 February.

Ronnie expects more students coming in-person than previous terms. Going to discuss with leadership teams about how to accommodate on-line students coming back in-person – addressing gaps in learning or difference in learning.

Kelly asked about classroom changes. Kids coming back won’t be guaranteed teacher they were offered last spring. Classes will remain balanced with returning students being assigned as needed to maintain balance between classes. In-person students will remain with their current teachers.

Expecting 30 – 35 students back. May have 25 – 30 parent led or online classroom students during the coming term. A few families have pulled students to home-school; those families will be contacted to determine their interest in returning or remaining on home-school.


Working to determine how to staff with the unknown of what next fall will bring in terms of student load, on-line students, etc. Public will be notified in April of May if there are FTE changes needed. Not anticipating losing any teachers. May grow ½ FTE if there is student growth. Granite lost a ½ FTE a few years ago from 14.5 to 14.

Covid update

Katie asked about volunteers coming back in. That will be teacher-specific. Volunteers still cannot work with students, but can help with projects. Some interaction with volunteers behind a screen. Parents can check with teachers to see what is needed. Volunteering hasn’t been pushed hard this year because of COVID.

Even with vaccinations, schools will remain masked. Contact tracing has changed focus to non-masked contact only.

January was a tough month for Granite, but there was still not school exposure. All positive tests were due to outside exposure. Some students were quarantined but did not have positive exposure results.

Call Ronnie with questions about the COVID dashboards. Students and teachers are often back in school before they drop off the dashboard. Only a few calls when Granite hit yellow on the dashboards. Ronnie focusing on individual conversations instead of email blasts to avoid creating panic.

Covid slip – how much education lost this year

There will be money coming from federal and state government – amount not yet determined – to districts to be used to address COVID slip and lack of educational availability. District seeking feedback from administrators. Options include summer school, sites around the district offering lunch sites, school-level reading programs. There are still more questions than answers, but the discussion has answered. Most is waiting to see how much funding comes in, then guidelines attached to the funding.

Looking to create equity, not equality, in these programs.

For Canyons it is not as bad at the elementary level as expected. This is based on hard work by teachers and parents.

Tiffany added that enrichment opportunities and student-teacher interaction / connection / engagement has not been what the teachers historically expect to do. Even when coming to school every day, the experience has not been fully normal this year. Community discussion would be to see what additional support could be offered in homes.

Next year will be very intentional reintroducing best practices in education, including group interaction and others.

PTC – February 24th & 25th to be held virtually

Parents should have information on signing up for a time slot.

Valentine procedures – a letter was sent home

Will have individual class celebration parties. Each child needs to bring a box or bag for Valentines that will be opened at home.

All treats at school will be individually wrapped and passed out by the teacher.

TOY – Nominations due March 5th

Only 1 nomination so far.

Kindergarten 2021-2022

Only about 19 kindergarteners registered now. There are usually an additional 45-50 more registered by April for orientation. The line between sessions varies somewhere between Granite and Raintree, depending on the number of students coming in from each area. About half of registered students so far have asked for a session change.




Landtrust budget and goals update: 80% of students in Kindergarten-3rd grade will make at least typical progress according to Acadience Pathways to Progress. 80% of students in 4th and 5th grade will be at proficient or higher in Reading Inventory (RI) by the end of the year.   84% of students are reaching benchmark according to Acadience math assessment. Our goal is to maintain and/or increase 1-2% proficiency.
 Budget: $52, 040     left: $18,508.69    
projected carryover: approx. $3000

TSSA: 1) 80% of students in Kindergarten-3rd grade will make at least typical progress according to Acadience Pathways to Progress. 80% of students in 4th and 5th grade will be at proficient or higher in Reading Inventory (RI) by the end of the year. 

2)  84% of students are reaching benchmark according to Acadience math assessment. Our goal is to maintain and/or increase 1-2% proficiency. 3) Students will identify the qualitied needed to have positive social interactions with peers and persevere through difficult tasks.

Budget: $48,337     left: $29,732.28    
projected carryover: unknown (waiting for purchases)


Next Meeting:  March 8, 2021

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org