SCC Members:
_x_Katie D (chair) _x_Kelly F _x_Laura _x_ Kevin T
_x_Danielle P _x_Brittany (PTA) _x_Michelle S _x_Kim W
_x_Terri P __Tiffany S (co-chair) _x_Ronnie M (admin)
Approve Minutes: Katie Approved the minutes from last time. Laura second
Reports from subcommittee:
Principal: –trying to figure out how to get schoolwide announcements on peachjar to show up first before district information
-Set up a schoolwide remind to get information out?
TOY (Teacher Of the Year) nominations- Forms are available on the district website. Forms need to be filled out and turned in to Ronnie by February 3rd. Please encourage neighbors and fellow parents to nominate a teacher. Forms can be printed out and sent in to Ronnie, scanned and emailed, or sent with a student to school.
STEAM night – if any of you had assignments for this night please come prepared to share an update
Art (Chell)- clay
Science activity (Laura and Kelly)-elephant toothpaste? Terri and Danielle will bring small swimming pools.
Makey Makeys
Waters, Fruit snacks, and cookies (Michelle)
Math games
Spheros on the ground (Katie)
Google masks
Engineering-snap circuits
Floater helpers-Ronnie will print name tags to identify SCC members/helpers
Brittany in charge of signage
Goals for TSSP/Landtrust plans and budgets-continue to work on goals. Due in the near future. Think if we want to do something different or tweak it.
Dangerous world of texting conference-held this Wednesday at Indian Hills. The dangers of explotation on the internet.
Safety-talked about the “no girlfriend no boyfriend rule” at Granite.
Landtrust budget and goals update: Approximately 80% of students are reaching benchmark in reading and math according to Dibels. We will continue implementing best practices such as: small group/skills-based instruction, Tier II intervention, robust core instruction, etc. to maintain success. 84% of students are at or above benchmark according to the RI assessment. Our goal is to maintain proficiency and increase the ROI by 1-2 word per week for those not yet reaching benchmark. 73% of students are reaching benchmark according to the Dibels early release math assessment. Our goal is to increase this number by 5%. -roughly $48,000 -2 intervention people for tier 2 reading and some math help/purchased tech software and STEAM night
TSSA: Our goal is to increase by 4% to 82% proficiency. For those students below benchmark show a rate of improvement (ROI) of 1-2 words per week. Our goal is to maintain and/or increase 2% proficiency on Acadience math assessment by spring benchmark -$40,000 roughly-2 other assistance, 1 helping in the large kindergarten classes and one aid helping with 1st and 2nd grade. Social/emotional money to buy some sensory items for small group instruction.
Next Meeting: February 10, 2020