9760 S. 3100 E.
Sandy, UT 84092

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

March 11, 2024 – Minutes


_x_ Elcena Saline (Principal)

_x_ Katie Dahle (Chair)

_x_ Matt Box (Vice Chair)

_x_ Stacey Noble

_x_ Michelle Schmidt

_x_ Kim Wedlick (PTA)

_x_ Stacie Zisakis

_x_ Vince Craig

_x_ Julia Sorenson

_x_ Nicole Curtis

__ Christie Madsen

_x_ Christie Taylor

__ Chris Collier




Approve Minutes- Christie Taylor motioned to approve the minutes and Katie Dahle seconded the motion.

SCC Business

Wellness Week – April 29 – May 3

  • Wellness Night April 29 6:00-7:30
  • Stamp card for students to take to each station.
  • Stations with information for parents and activities for students.
  • Similar to STEAM night with the focus on health and wellness.
  • Sleep Wellness. Digital Wellness. Nutrition. Mental Health. Physical Health.
  • Flier available on Vaping awareness for parents.
  • Need a PTA or SCC member at each station.

Principal Report

  • Review current year’s LAND Trust/TSSP

Went over mid-year data at February’s SCC meeting.

District is still looking for a replacement for RI for 4th and 5th.

  • FTE & Staffing Update

            We have been given 11.5 FTE from the district. Cena would like to pay for .5 teacher so each grade has 2 teachers.

            5th grade will get an aide. 2nd grade is requesting an aide also. Cena is trying to find the money to give an aide to 2nd grade also.

            290-300 students enrolled. Plus 40+ EEC students.

            Job shares are 1 year contracts. There will not be a job share next year at Granite.

  • Finalize next year’s LAND Trust/TSSP plans

            We finalized goals at our February meeting. Reading goals are still by grade level.

            Tier II reading aides’ hours will be shortened- Sept. 18- May 1st

            Professional development support for teachers.

            MTSS assistant hours to full time.

            Consumable materials for 4th/5th grades 95%

            Subs for teachers to attend IEP meetings

            Purchase Engagement by Design for all teachers to support PD goal for teachers.

            Pay for .5 teacher

            Aide to teachers with large class sizes.

            Math–ST Math or iReady

            PBIS materials

            STEAM Night and Wellness Night/Week materials

  • Review Positive Behavior Plan

            Thrive Time Unit in October. Teachers provided feedback. It will most likely be adopted for the 2024-2025 school year.

            Bear paws and Trips to the Principal

            PBIS plan is addressing more of the behavior needs of students.

            Check in/check out is provided for externalizing behaviors. Cena would like to use this system for internalizing behaviors too.

PTA Report

            February read-a-thon is in full swing and going well.

            Tomorrow night is Spirit Night at In N Out.

 Katie Dahle motioned to adjourn the meeting. Stacey Noble seconded the motion.

Next Meeting: April 8th 4:15 pm

Guest remarks are limited to 3 minutes

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