9760 S. 3100 E.
Sandy, UT 84092

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

April 11, 2022 – Minutes

SCC – April 11, 2022


Ronnie M.                                Stacey N.

Katie D.                                   Michelle S.(online)

Natalie G.                                Laura W.

Bekah C.                                  Kim W.

Matt B.                                    Sarah W.(online)

Quinn N.                                  Richard W.(online)

                                                Kelly F.(online)

Laura Warnock – motioned to approve minutes

Michelle Schmidt – 2nd the motion

May 6-Kindergarten orientation (new date)

STEAM night – around 200 people attended

-improvements for next year

Better signs

Batteries available

Snacks didn’t run out, not many left (200 cookies, 2 boxes of fruit snacks)

Frustration when VR goggles didn’t show up

Many spheros didn’t work, batteries died

Maybe 1 more station

PTA STEAM kits were  great, parent and kids loved them

STEAM/Playworks night – plan it for next year, September of next year (2nd week of September??)

-good to get to know new Playworks teacher and new Principal

SCC next year – Laura will not be returning

TSSP – budgets are on track, materials bought with money remaining(from not enough aide staffing), chrome books were ordered

Staffing – lost FTE, K, 1st/2nd multi-grade, 3-3rd grade teachers, 2-4th grade teachers, 2-5th grade teachers

Landtrust/TSSP-aide support for bigger classes and multi grade math time

How can we add more students and families to Granite? Falling test scores (RISE) is only 1 measurement. More family engagement opportunities to connect. How can we address it in the future? Invite the community, not just Granite families, to advertise the school. Use TSSP money to kick off the school year.

RISE testing coming in April and May – teachers will communicate to parents how to prepare students and what the schedule for each grade is.

End of year activities – Grade level programs (K,1, 4/5)

Field Day

5th grade clap out

Teacher Appreciation Week

White ribbon week

Retirement party

PTA – still a few board positions to fill

Katie – made a motion to adjourn the meeting

Stacey – 2nd the motion

Next meeting – May 9th 4:15

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