9760 S. 3100 East
Sandy, UT 84092

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

May 11, 2020 – Minutes

SCC Members

_x_Katie D (chair)     
_x_Kelly F                 
_x_Laura W                         
_x_ Kevin T
__Danielle P

_x_Brittany (PTA)    
_x_Michelle S                      
_x_Kim _
_x_Terri P                 
_x_Tiffany S (co-chair)         
_x_Ronnie M (admin)

Approve Minutes: Terri approved the minutes from last month, Laura second the motion.

Reports from subcommittee:

Principal: Short introduction of our New Superintendent-New superintendent is Dr. Rick Robbins.  Taught for 25 year, coming from Juab County, has 4 children ages 8 to college graduate.  Probably start to hear from him July/August. 

Staff changes: Kinder-same Genesi a.m./Oliverson p.m. boundaries have not been set, probably won’t happen till July/August.  1st-Peterson, Gleave, DiPietro 2nd- Walker, Smith  3rd-Valesquez, Hekking, and job share Smith/new teacher Ms. Felt.  4th/5th-Mrs. Zisakis, 4th-Ms. Nicolich, 5th-Patterson and Mrs. Smith (new teacher).  Kyle Johnson new custodian. 

 Approval of TSSP and Landtrust-our changes and amendments were approved.  Measure through pathways to progress and RI for reading and for math use accadiance to measure achievement and growth. 

Class assignments – Grades will be assigned days K, 1st, ECC – Tuesday May 26th/ 2nd, 3rd Wednesday May 27th/ 4th and 5th Thursday May 28th between 9-1 to pick up belongings that will be located in bags outside of the building.  In those bags kids will be assigned to next years teacher.  ECC will not be done at that time.  If kids don’t pick up bags, they will be mailed their teacher.  Report cards will come from the district in the mail.

What are we doing with Kindergarten -boundaries have not been defined yet. 

Online learning: the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful-more prerecorded discussions or lesson plans possible, save zoom for just social, hard days, good days. APPRECIATE all the teachers do to make this work. 

What will/could next fall look like -not sure. District has about 8 different ideas of the way things could roll out just depending on where we are at with the CDC, the Governor, cases, etc. 

Year-end activities -5th grade is going to have some sort of farewell thing but the school has asked parents and kids (no families) to stay in the car.  As a school and government employees the principal or teachers cannot condone big gatherings or going against the guidelines set by the Governor. 

On the last day, Friday May 29th from 10-11:30 the teachers will be on the sidewalk social distanced apart at the school for families to drive by and wave and pick up a treat from the PTA. 


Landtrust budget and goals update: Approximately 80% of students are reaching benchmark in reading and math according to Dibels.  We will continue implementing best practices such as: small group/skills-based instruction, Tier II intervention, robust core instruction, etc. to maintain success. 84% of students are at or above benchmark according to the RI assessment. Our goal is to maintain proficiency and increase the ROI by 1-2 word per week for those not yet reaching benchmark.  73% of students are reaching benchmark according to the Dibels early release math assessment. Our goal is to increase this number by 5%.

TSSA: Our goal is to increase by 4% to 82% proficiency. For those students below benchmark show a rate of improvement (ROI) of 1-2 words per week. Our goal is to maintain and/or increase 2% proficiency on Acadience math assessment by spring benchmark


Next Meeting:  Probably won’t meet till August.  Don’t know what nominations will look like. Have to look into that more in July/August. 

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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org