9760 S. 3100 East
Sandy, UT 84092

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

November 9, 2020 – Minutes

SCC Members:

_x_Katie D (chair)    
_x_Kelly F
_x_Laura W
_x_ Kevin T     

_x_Jenny (PTA)
_x_Michelle S
__Kim W
_x_Terri P
_x_Tiffany S (co-chair)
_x_Ronnie M (admin)  

Approve Minutes:
Terri approved
Kevin 2nd

Chair Report: There was no new information to share or report.  The time was turned over to the principal.

Reports from subcommittee:
SCC Digital and Safety Plan: We looked at the SCC Digital and Safety Plan. 

            For our School Safety Plan we will: 1) Continue to address Digital safety at home.  We will provide apps, links, websites, ideas and information about the embedded filters on Canyons devices for online learning.  2) Continue with our Second Steps social emotional lessons and communicate with parents about the lessons

            Granite staff will be trained with the Common Sense Media features.  We will provide the Common Sense Media link to our families on each teacher Canvas course and our school website.  An information flyer will be sent home during the Digital Citizenship week providing information and safety tips.  Digital Safety information will be provided through the monthly Principal’s News.

COVID update: As of November 9, 2020, there have been zero school exposures.  Students have been placed on quarantine from a family or social gathering exposure.

New quarter changes: We have 16 students returning to in-person learning on November 23rd.  Ronnie is working on adjusting class lists and informing the families of their teacher assignments.  Parents have been asked to stick with their instructional choice for the entire grading period.  The next opportunity to switch your learning option will be late February.

Goals for TSSP/Landtrust plans and budgets review: We are on-track for spending our TSSP and Landtrust money.  Ronnie and Laura Madrian are working on a technology purchase.

A summary of last year plans will need to be posted to the school website.  Ronnie will provide the SCC with a draft copy of the summary for approval.

It was proposed to have a Mulqueen Corner on our website for ALL school communication.  There is a lot of information and highlights on the school website.  Often information will get lost or overshadowed.  Ronnie will look into options to put all School communication in one place on the website for quick access.

Safety – Bomb threat Teachers will discuss with their class the process of evacuation for a bomb threat.

All students will have the opportunity to take home Friday lunch.  Parents may donate the lunch if they desire.  Students may enjoy part of the lunch and discard the rest.  For equity and equality all students will bring home a sack lunch.

Landtrust budget and goals update: Approximately 80% of students are reaching benchmark in reading and math according to Dibels.  We will continue implementing best practices such as: small group/skills-based instruction, Tier II intervention, robust core instruction, etc. to maintain success. 84% of students are at or above benchmark according to the RI assessment. Our goal is to maintain proficiency and increase the ROI by 1-2 word per week for those not yet reaching benchmark.  73% of students are reaching benchmark according to the Dibels early release math assessment. Our goal is to increase this number by 5%.

TSSA: Our goal is to increase by 4% to 82% proficiency. For those students below benchmark show a rate of improvement (ROI) of 1-2 words per week. Our goal is to maintain and/or increase 2% proficiency on Acadience math assessment by spring benchmark.


Next Meeting:  December 14, 2020

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org