_X_ Elcena Saline (Principal)
_X_ Katie Dahle (Chair)
__ Christie Taylor (PTA)
_X_ Matt Box
_X_ Stacey Noble
_X_ Michelle Schmidt
_X_ Kim Wedlick
_X_ Stacie Zisakis
_X_ Vince Craig
__ Julia Sorenson
_X_ Chris Collier
__ Kailey Collier
_X_ Nicole Curtis
Approve Minutes-Motion to approve September minutes: Michelle Schmidt. Vince Craig seconded the motion.
SCC Business
Principal Report
- Review current year’s LAND Trust/TSSP
- School Safety report-
Updated evacuation, parking, and walking maps
Updated evacuation and reunification incident command plan. If we need to evacuate, we will walk to the LDS church south of the school. We will be in the parking lot except for inclement weather. Parents will be notified through Parent Square.
Added a 3rd supervisory position to the bus duty schedule in the back of the school.
Safety drills each month.
New: All visitors and volunteers are required to enter through the front of the school.
New: Increased diligence in exterior doors locked and closed
New: Breakfast kiddos enter through the front office.
Close off fence gaps on the east side of the parent pick-up through lane.
Discussed having the day care kids line up near the other bus lines for better safety.
Discussed what is the safest way for bikes/scooters to arrive and leave school.
Cena can request a security camera coverage audit to see if there are blindspots on the outside of the school.
- Digital Citizenship report
Monthly information to parents in Parent Square.
Teachers are sent lessons to use and talk regularly with students about digital safety.
White Ribbon Week- Display/presentation at STEM night.
- Update on enrollment number: 366, including ECC and Goldminer’s
K: 46 1st: 37 2nd: 67 3rd: 70 4th: 67 5th: 76 7th: 3
Discussed FTE and how it is calculated.
PTA Report-There was not a member of the PTA board at our meeting.
Katie Dahle motioned to adjourn the meeting. Kim Wedlick seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Next Meeting: November 14th 4:15pm
Guest remarks are limited to 3 minutes
TSSA/Land Trust Goals: 1) 80% of students in Kindergarten-3rd grade will make at least typical progress according to Acadience Pathways to Progress. 80% of students in 4th and 5th grade will be proficient or higher in Reading Inventory (RI) by the end of the year. 2) 84% of students are reaching a benchmark according to the Acadience math assessment. Our goal is to maintain and/or increase 1-2% proficiency. 3) Students will identify the qualities needed to have positive social interactions with peers and persevere through difficult tasks.