9760 S. 3100 East
Sandy, UT 84092

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

October 9, 2023 – Minutes (Draft)


_x_ Elcena Saline (Principal)

_x_ Katie Dahle (Chair)

_x_ Matt Box (Vice Chair)

_x_ Stacey Noble

_x_ Michelle Schmidt

_x_ Kim Wedlick (PTA)

_x_ Stacie Zisakis

_x_ Vince Craig

_x_ Julia Sorenson

_x_ Chris Collier

__ Kailey Collier

_x_ Nicole Curtis

_x_ Christie Madsen

_x_ Christie Taylor

Visitors: Heather Witkamp


Approve Minutes- Michelle Schmidt makes a motion to approve the minutes. Matt Box seconds the motion.

SCC Business

Tentative Dates:

STEAM Night–January 29th

Wellness Night- April 29th

Principal Report

● Digital Citizenship Plan ○ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-3TibL50uT6qQaF_ilNJn2iSqI3eODnPJvjtSuUx2iA/template/preview

○ Heather Witkamp is the faculty representative for Digital Citizenship. She presented to SCC. Areas students are taught: Inclusive, Informed. Engaged. Alert. Balanced.

○ Filtering and Managing Systems

○ Supervision and Expectations

○ Student Education- Digital Citizenship skills

○ Parent Education

○ District Filtering and Systems- Does SCC have enough information to determine if filtering is effective? YES

○ Education Efforts- Does SCC have enough information? YES

○ Does SCC believe the school has a viable plan keeping students safe? YES

○ Common Sense Media is a resource for parents and teachers.

○ Combine Digital Citizenship Week with White Ribbon Week in April.

○ Digital Citizenship Compliment Behavior Card for Students

○ Do we teach Safe UT app for elementary students? Only if a report comes to the school about a specific issue in the school. Provide information to parents if there is a safety concern.

○ Katie Dahle made a motion to accept the Digital Citizenship plan. Kim Wedlick seconded the motion. All were in favor.

● Safe Walking Route Plan

● Safety Plan-

○ Off Site evacuation plan: Church on 3100 E. We would then bus students to Brighton for families to be reunified. Concern was expressed that students are bussed all the way to Brighton. Brighton parking lot would be very crowded to pick up all students from the feeder schools.

○ Feedback on indoor line-ups

A parent expressed concern that students wait outside before school. This parent would prefer that students were allowed to wait outside their classrooms until school starts. SCC members discussed ways to address parent concerns. SCC members feel that with outdoor supervision beginning at 8:45. SCC also discussed that recess aides are paid staff. These recess aides are now wearing bright pink vests so that they can be easily identified. Teachers will also wear bright pink vests. SCC would like the school to continue to communicate that supervision starts at 8:45. Breakfast starts at 8:40. SCC recommends keeping our protocols the same since parents have options such as waiting with students, dropping off after 8:45, coming in for breakfast, etc.

○ SCC discussed: 1) change posts by the cafeteria to gates 2) put gates on Kindergarten playground 3) add cameras to blind spots around back of school 4) put gates on catwalks that would be closed during school hours.

○ Cena has requested a security camera coverage audit. We will find out if we will have money to add camera coverage.

○ Katie motioned, Stacey 2nd, All approved.

● Safe Walking Route Plan

○ Same as last year, Old Wasatch Drive: No easement so there will be no sidewalk.

○ Discussed the intersection of 3100 E. and Little Cottonwood Rd. Although not technically on the safe walking route, many students and families walk and bike across the street. 2 families in the last year have been in car accidents. We would like a light, a school zone, etc.

○ Asked about bus stop on Old Wasatch.

○ Julia motioned, Matt 2nd, All approved.

● Review last year LAND Trust plan, End of Year testing-Will move to next meeting agenda.

● Review current year’s LAND Trust/TSSP-Will move to next meeting agenda.

PTA Report-No items.

Next Meeting: November 13th

Katie motioned to adjourn. Vince seconded.

Guest remarks are limited to 3 minutes

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org