_x_ Elcena Saline (Principal)
__ Katie Dahle (Chair)
_x_ Matt Box
_x_ Stacey Noble
__ Michelle Schmidt
_x_ Kim Wedlick (PTA)
_x_ Stacie Zisakis
_x_ Vince Craig
_x_ Julia Sorenson
__ Chris Collier
__ Kailey Collier
_x_ Nicole Curtis
_x_ Kristy Madsen
_x_ Christie Taylor
- Welcome to our new SCC members
Approve Minutes Julia approved the minutes and Nicole seconded the motion.
SCC Business
- Elect Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary
Cena nominated Stacie Zisakis as chair. Christie nominated Katie as chair. Matt volunteered as Vice Chair.
Christie motioned to approve and Vince seconded the motion.
- Set meeting dates and time- proposed dates 2nd Monday at 4:15pm
- Vote on time- discussed changing the time to 5-6 p.m. Awaiting feedback from Colliers who suggested time change.
- Sept. 11th, Oct. 9, Nov. 13, Jan. 8, Feb. 12, Mar. 11, Apr. 8, May 13
Stacey motioned to approve and Nicole seconded the motion.
- SCC Training- Please select one session to attend:
- Sept. 7th 10:30am or 6-7:30pm
- Sept. 12th 1-2:30pm or 6-7:30pm
- Sept. 27th 10-11:30am or 6-7:30pm
- Order of Procedure and Bylaws-any questions
- Reflex math license
In the past few years, Granite has bought a site license for 2nd-3rd. This year, we are unable to approve this license. Reflex did not meet the vetting from the district this year. Reasons: Reflex does not allow for student privacy. Inadequate evidence that it works. Drill and kill practice is not the best way to practice math facts. Teachers can use and be trained on Basic Fact Fluency kits from the district. We also have ST Math for students that has fluency objectives.
Principal Report
- Review last year LAND Trust plan, End of Year testing
- 80% of K-3 made typical progress
- 81% of 4th/5th students met the RI goal for proficiency or higher
- 82.4% of students were proficient at the end of year Math Acadience
- Climate goal met: 88% of teachers held 144+ Morning Meetings
- This year Morning Meeting is expected every day and Fridays EEC is included in grade level classes.
- RISE scores show great growth and learning.
- Review current year’s LAND Trust/TSSP
- Land Trust
- New allocation $51,899.72
- Carryover $3,814.16
- Total for 23-24 $55,713.88
- New allocation $73,656.82
- Carryover $3,365.54
- Total for 23-24 $77,022.36
- Land Trust
- A detailed list of 2022-2023 expenditures was requested.
- Update on class sizes/ FTE
Projections for enrollment given on March 1st. A first day count, a six day count, and an eleven day count is completed showing the number of students in class (or reason for absence is known.)
Two additional 17-hour aides were allocated by the district for 4th and 5th grades.
- Review PBIS plan
Positive Behaviors Interventions and Support
Morning Meetings, Thrive Time, K-3 Peer Buddies, Wellness Week, School Wellness Night, Digital Citizenship, Jr. Coaches, Student Council, Botwin Lessons (4th), NOVA (5th), Jordan Peer Leadership Team (5th and Miss Laura’s class), Mrs. Ross Book Lessons.
- Update on Thrive Time
Teaching SEL (Social/Emotional Learning) is a state requirement.
Canyons Wellness Department wrote over the past year Thrive Time that meets the goal of Portrait of a Graduate. All schools are doing a targeted field test of Thrive Time this school year. Granite was assigned to give feedback on Respecting Myself and Others. Teachers will be trained on the Thrive Time curriculum at the September 19th faculty meeting. Each teacher will teach 4 lessons–one lesson a week for 4 weeks–during Morning Meeting. Teachers will then give their feedback to the school board.
PTA Report
Fun Run Kick-off Today
Fun Run on Friday, September 22nd.
Next Meeting: October 9th
Guest remarks are limited to 3 minutes
TSSA/Landtrust Goals: 1) 80% of students in Kindergarten-3rd grade will make at least typical progress according to Acadience Pathways to Progress. 80% of students in 4th and 5th grade will be at proficient or higher in Reading Inventory (RI) by the end of the year. 2) 84% of students are reaching benchmark according to Acadience math assessment. Our goal is to maintain and/or increase 1-2% proficiency. 3) Students will identify the qualities needed to have positive social interactions with peers and persevere through difficult tasks.
Nicole motioned to adjourn the meeting and Vince seconded the motion.