9760 S. 3100 East
Sandy, UT 84092

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SCC Bylaws

Granite Elementary School Community Council Bylaws

Granite Elementary School Community Council Bylaws

Article I- Name

Granite Elementary School Community Council (SCC)

Article II-Laws

All Utah School Community Councils function under and adhere to the following current laws and statutes:                                       

Utah State Law

Utah State Board Rule

  • R277-477: Distribution of Funds from the Trust Distribution Account and Administration of the School LAND Trust Program
  • R277-491: School Community Councils

Canyons Board Policy


Article III- Standing Rules

  1. Elections for SCC Representatives:
  1. Notification of election dates and procedure for declaring interest in serving on the SCC will be provided via Principal’s News and Skylert in August.
  2. Interest sheets will be collected and parents contacted for verification by mid-September.
  3. Elections will be held at the school in September if interest exceeds more than 20 total SCC members (17 parents/3 staff members).
  4. There must be two more parent members than staff members including the principal.
  5. All elected positions are for 2 years terms.
  6. The term limit for the SCC Chair and Vice Chair positions is two consecutive, 2-years terms.
  7. SCC members must commit to attend a minimum of 70% of the scheduled SCC meeting during the school year.


  1. The SCC will meet monthly except in June and July. The majority of the council must approve of canceling and/or calling additional meetings.  Meeting rescheduling will be done through email and then posted on the website when necessary.


  1. The election for a chairperson, vice chair, and a recorder will occur at the first meeting in August. The Chair will conduct SCC meetings for the year, assist with SCC elections, and serve through the school year and following summer.


  1. Meetings Norms:
  1. Meetings will begin on time, use time wisely, finish on time, and stay focused on the agenda.
  2. Members and guests will come prepared to participate and avoid side conversations.
  3. Respect for others in verbal and non-verbal communication will be shown at all times.
  4. Avoid disruptions by silencing cell phones and taking necessary calls or conversations out of the room during meetings
  5. If for some reason a member cannot attend a scheduled meeting, notification should be given to the Principal and/or Chair.
  6. All meetings will be conducted and actions taken using simplified rules of parliamentary procedure
  7. A majority of SCC members is a quorum for transaction of business.
  8. The action of the majority of the members of the quorum is the action of the school community council.


  1. Leadership positions include:
  1. Principal: Supports the chair in creating agendas and provides reports each meeting.
  2. Chair: Creates the agendas in cooperation with the principal and conducts the meetings.  Must be a parent member.
  3. Vice Chair: Conducts the meeting if the Chair is absent. Can be a parent or employee member.
  4. Recorder:  Takes notes at the meeting and creates the minutes for approval by the SCC.  May be an elected SCC member or a non-voting member


  1. A patron may bring a topic to the SCC by contacting the Principal or Chair 9 days prior to the scheduled meeting and asking to be added to the agenda. Guest comments are to be limited to 3 minutes. Any topic brought to the SCC that is not on the agenda, must be added to a future agenda before action can be taken on that item.  The SCC may invite any person/group to make a presentation on issues pertinent to the role of the SCC. 


  1. The items that are appropriate for discussion by SCC include, but are not limited to:


  1. School Improvement Plan (TSSP)
  2. School LAND Trust Plan
  3. Advise and make recommendations regarding school programs, professional development and issues relating to the community environment for students.
  4. Parent/School communication and involvement
  5. School Safety Plan
  6. Digital Citizenship Plan
  7. Electronic Device Plan
  8. Positive Behavior Plan
  9. Cell Tower
  10. Items not to be discussed by the School Community Council include:
    1. Any personnel issues
    2. Individual student information


These Bylaws will be posted on the SCC page of the school website.  Each SCC member will read and agree to abide by the Bylaws as signified on their declaration of candidacy and at the beginning of each school year.


Revised/Created: 10/15                              Approved: 11/08/2021            

Revised/Edited: 10/21

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org